Socio-Economic Development

Acholi Women Artisans

Think Humanity has worked in partnership with the Acholi women artisans since 2009.

These artisans are a group of women from the Acholi Quarter Camp for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) in Kireka, Uganda.

Kireka is a suburb just outside Kampala where there are more than 3,000 families who were displaced by war by rebel leader, Joseph Kony. The Acholi women are from Northern Uganda and South Sudan.

In 2009 Think Humanity began by purchasing jewelry made from recycled paper. We continue to buy their products which will help them to earn a family income and to provide food-aid and education for their children.

Think Humanity purchases the products from the women and then sells the products in the USA at a reasonable profit. We then purchase more products for resale. 100 percent of our sales goes back to  programs in Uganda.

In January 2010, Think Humanity started the “Teen Mom Tailoring Project.” Teen girls were getting pregnant and could not attend school with babies strapped to their backs. Think Humanity donated sewing machines so that girls could learn a trade and provide for their families. They learned their tailoring skills and now make various products from their homes for Think Humanity.

“There is this invisible dividend in the fair trade world…it’s hope, pride and dignity, because people are solving their own problems through fair trade.” – CEO Fair Trade USA

To purchase our products visit ThinkHumanity on Etsy and visit the HopeDignity store. You can check our events page to see where we are selling next.

How Think Humanity identifies fair trade:

  1. Fighting poverty;
  2. Building sustainable businesses;
  3. Empowering women;
  4. Supporting education; and
  5. Helping the environment by recycling.

List of beadmakers, tailors and other people involved in the project.

  1. Aida Aneck
  2. Aneck Irene
  3. Aneno Jessica
  4. Betty Ayugi
  5. Christine Okello
  6. Doreen Labuk
  7. Doreen Ayamo
  8. Dronica Muyindo
  9. Esther Akello Odong
  10. Esther Alowo
  11. Esther Auma
  12. Florence Abalo
  13. Jennifer Adoch
  14. Jessica Langoya
  15. Josephine Akot
  16. Judith Aber
  17. Margaret Nabawanuka
  18. Peter Ndelo
  19. Sabina Aluku
  20. Sylvia Lakot